Sunday, December 13, 2009


Officially ten days until I'll be back in Los Angeles.

This weekend I went up to Puerto La Cruz, even though I should've been at school preparing for the winter break. It was Rafael's birthday, and there was a game of skate at "La Cruz" so I figured there was too much going on to pass up.

I left Saturday morning in a porpuesto, a car crammed with 6 people awaiting the hour and a half drive sitting next to another man in a wife beater. Luckily, I hadn't showered for a good while, so my own body odor matched his, and the battle was on.

Now maybe it was a combination of our combined BO, or maybe it was that nothing in Venezuela works, but the car broke down in a town about 30 minutes outside of Puerto La Cruz. Our taxi pulled over, gave us our money, and just let us sit there and figure out what the hell we were going to do. Luckily, after about 20 minutes, one of the other people in the car rounded up a taxi, and we hopped in.

Because of the absurd traffic at all hours in the pitiful attempts at streets here, the driver dropped us off at the Barcelona bus station instead. Imagine being in the picture perfect setting of the Brooklyn projects in the 70's, only instead you're in Venezuela, and you don't speak Spanish. Someone called one of their friends on the phone, and some dude came and picked us all up.

Now this dude looked pretty sketchy, but I was getting ancy, so decided to hop along. If they weren't taking the other taxi's, I was sure there was a reason. Then when he drove into the barrios, for hours, on his supposed traffic "detours," I began to worry. And by worry I mean seriously worry for my life. Then when I heard some other guy in the car say in a spiteful voice, "El no entiende NADA" I became even a bit more worried. After about an hour in the gasoline soaked car, sweating profusely from all my pores, I found something I recognized. Plaza Mayor in the adjacent city known as Lecheria. At a stop, I just hopped out, and ran to the safety of a nice secure Americanized mall.

That night I met up with Rafael, and everyone who skates at the big cross on Paseo Colon. A friend named Jesus organized a game of skate event, so I figured I might as well enter. I got out the first round, by a series of extremely basic maneuvers, but as Bill O'Reilly would have said, I did it live.

After we all went to Rafael's for his birthday party, and lucky me feeling super tired from my whole day, passed out asleep on the couch really early, but not before being captured in this photo stolen from facebook.

I get to see my family, my dog, and Scott real soon. I will also be able to go to Walmart...HYPE

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


There is alot to catch up on, almost too much for what has occurred in the last few weeks.

First I'll start by saying I made some skateboarding friends in Puerto La Cruz, a bunch of really good guys. I stayed at my friend Rafael's house and we skated and hung out until the morning light. Then in the morning, they all started up drinking again, and started the day anew. I sure can't keep up, but I'll blame it on being sick.

The following weekend was Thanksgiving, and Marshall and I came up with a game plan to make it to Playa Medina, supposedly one of the best beaches around. It took us 2 1/2 days to finally get there, and we were able to spend the day there. Because of time constraints we had to leave the following morning, but it was a goal well worth setting.

After, I flew out to the job fair in Atlanta, to try to find an international teaching job. The first day I just hated being there, and thought it was a waste of time. The second day I loved being there, and wanted to move back to the states. I got an offer that I couldn't refuse from a big school in Venezuela, I accepted.

This changes the dynamic here at my school for me. There has been a power shift, and it's for the better. Next year huge changes are going to occur here, some for the better, and some for the worse. I almost wish they would have had their figures in about a month ago so I wouldn't have had to spend the money in Atlanta, but on the bright side I came out with a nice job in a big city.

Now things are falling into place at my school, and I kind of wish I was here to build it back up again. They tried lowballing Jason and Jacques, but gave Marshall and I decent offers. I had to decline, but it would have been interesting to stay to say the least.

I'm flying back to LA for Christmas because I'm still sick, and trying to make the best out of my 3 days off before I do. Isla Margarita here I come!

Monday, November 16, 2009


Here I am, I think I'm still alive. After this weekend I realized I need to go back to the US of A and deal with a half competent doctor. I am not well.

Friday we headed off to Puerto La Cruz, with the plans of going to the pueblo of Santa Fe the following morning. We called it a night pretty early, I bought some Christmas gifts for certain people, and I heard what I thought were gunshots. Right outside of Marshall's hotel, where I usually stay, we saw this

Apparently someone went after a person with a bottle. Knowing the amount of blood, and the lack of health care here, I'm sure someone ended up dead.

The next morning we found the bus to Santa Fe. Took about an hour to get there, and we got our hotel for 80Bs a night. Apparently last year at this time, it was 50Bs a night. He showed me around the pueblo, all the little hotels on the beach, there was even one run by a couple of young Frenchmen, who have a Cane Corso. I heavily researched this breed when I was looking to get a dog after I graduated. I guess I had a change in plans, but I loved seeing one in person, and never thought I would see one here.

Marshall and I met another young Frenchman by the name of Cyril. He was pretty cool, and I'm starting to open up to the French.

We ran into several French people on the beach, the only tourists there. I have yet to meet an American here. Even if I did, I wouldn't be as impressed as I was by the vigilance and pride of this guy.

They talked me into going into the disco that night, the first place I've been to without a single attractive Venezuelan woman. This wasn't a good idea due to my sickness, and in the morning I felt sick as ever, and this was the defining moment into me wanting to go back to the states.

Now the problem do I go about doing it? I have hardly any money, and a non refundable ticket to Quito which I wish I could use.

Below are a couple of pictures that I haven't used yet.

Friday, November 13, 2009


Well, I booked my tickets over Christmas break. I'm going to Quito. I was feeling slightly better with my sickness, but now I'm feeling slightly worse again. I'm tired of this, over Christmas I'm just going to take an entire week to sleep and relax.

Today is Arqui's last day at school, I'm going to miss him. He's getting ready for college in the states.

I'm tired of Venezuelan failure, I bought my tickets to Quito, and they spelled my name wrong. On top of that, they couldn't change my name either. I paid twice the cost Jason did who got his tickets one month earlier, but on the plus side, I'm flying business class for the first time in my life! I looked for flights to LA to rest, see a doctor, see my family, and maybe even go home to Salt Lake, but all were booked.

Speaking of failure, Marshall linked to me this article.

Apparently Venezuela has been the same since 1998. Well, since the Spaniards came and raped the country I guess. I'm glad someone else can see our same perspective, the third sentence down is the one really worth reading. It really cracked me up, so much failure in one place, the day it proves me wrong will be a very interesting day for me.

Going to the beach for the weekend for some R&R. Still might be able to fly to ATL for the AASSA conference which will give me a huge leg up on a job for next year.

I still have some unfinished business in the states, and need to make some phone calls. I've been in a sappy mood of late.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Hospital Visit

Some pictures Jason took from when I had to go to the hospital. I don't think I had quite as much fun in my entire life as I did this night. It was great calling the ambulance and not have it show up. +1 for Venezuela.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Took all that time off and I'm still sick. Down to 2 sick days left for the year and I don't know what I'm going to do. But hey, this cheered me up. Edited by Dave Carulli, documentation of our epic skateboarding/filming road trip this summer.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Still sick...

I haven't been able to update the blog much lately because I've been so sick and trying to rest. I got in contact with a doctor in Caracas, whom I'm going to see on Thanksgiving day.

Right now I'm trying to put together my resume for jobs next year, figure out what I'm going to do over Christmas break, and heal! After today, I only have 2 sick days left for the entire year. I looked at ciplec, and they have a total of 10, I only have 7. Those 3 extra days would really help in my quest for well-being.

I've tried to get a strep culture twice, the first time they wouldn't let me because I ate, the second time they were closed, and I can't take any more time off of school to get it done. I guess we'll see how it all plays out.

Yesterday we spent hours trying to figure what flights were available over Christmas, finally got one to Columbia we felt good about, it was the last one. At the end she realized she couldn't book it for some reason or another. Just another example of the incompetency here.

I have been looking at Panama, and it looks very intriguing. If I can find a one way flight to Panama City, I'd stay there, boat to Columbia, and figure it all out from there. I really hope there will be an available flight!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


So yeah, I should probably talk about my hospital visit.

Monday night, I felt a pain in my stomach around 6:00 pm. I've had stomach pains before, so I figured I might as well put up with it. By 9:00 it had progressed to a consistent pain unlike any I've ever experienced. I threw up, no matter what position I was in, it wouldn't go away. It felt like something was burning through my digestive system.

Come 2 A.M. I literally couldn't take it anymore. I had never been in that much pain in my entire life. I hobbled out to where the guards were, and tried to get them to call a taxi. Everything was closed, they called an ambulance, but it never showed. Luckily Jason woke up, and had a number to a different taxi service. They picked me up about 30 minutes later, and Jason was nice enough to come with me to translate.

We got to the hospital emergency room, of course it was locked. We rang the bell for about 5 minutes before someone decided to hobble over slowly to open it. Instead of doing any tests or anything important, they decided to give me a shot in my behind, and put my on an IV. The place was freezing, and it the people working were some of the most incompetent I've ever seen. Something they put in the IV helped me with the pain, and they sent me off. That's it, no help, no nothing. I am glad it is gone now though, because had it been life threatening, I would not be alive.

Jason got some pictures with his blackberry, so if he sends them to me I will have to post them up. I really appreciate the fact that he would come up on a school night at 2 a.m. to go with me to the hospital. And the next day he made me soup and picked me up some groceries, don't know what I would have done without him.

Anyways, I still have this throat problem, and I know it will never be fixed here, so...I guess I'm just screwed.

Monday, October 26, 2009


I've been keeping a secret from all of you since I was about 12, or whenever Liar Liar came out. My future wife goes by the name of Maura Tierney, and is only about 21 years old than me. If Kandice can do it, so can I.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


I come to find out the reason why I haven't been stalked by the iguanas lately. One of the local maintenance workers has been eating them! The failure of Venezuela never ceases to amaze me.

The internet still isn't working in my house, so I'm here at school on Sunday.

I watched a part of an old skate video, Micah Wood from TTT2 to be precise, it made me miss the good old times of skateboarding. I skated hardcore flatground today, and tried to make a makeshift rail that failed out of junk lying around. It's been a long time since I've skated because I've been sick for so long. Oh yeah, and the prices of stuff are insane here.

Anyways, much love, hopefully I get some pictures and stuff to make updates soon.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mama you've been on my mind

Listened to these lyrics, they were relevant at one point. Maybe I'm wallowing in my own self pity? Maybe they're still relevant. Who knows...

"Perhaps it's the color of the sun cut flat
An' cov'rin' the crossroads I'm standing at,
Or maybe it's the weather or something like that,
But mama, you been on my mind.

I don't mean trouble, please don't put me down or get upset,
I am not pleadin' or sayin', "I can't forget."
I do not walk the floor bowed down an' bent, but yet,
Mama, you been on my mind.

Even though my mind is hazy an' my thoughts they might be narrow,
Where you been don't bother me nor bring me down in sorrow.
It don't even matter to me where you're wakin' up tomorrow,
But mama, you're just on my mind.

I am not askin' you to say words like "yes" or "no,"
Please understand me, I got no place for you t' go.
I'm just breathin' to myself, pretendin' not that I don't know,
Mama, you been on my mind.

When you wake up in the mornin', baby, look inside your mirror.
You know I won't be next to you, you know I won't be near.
I'd just be curious to know if you can see yourself as clear
As someone who has had you on his mind."


I just finished report cards, and I'm currently on my lunch break. I feel that I need to continually update this as I've been slacking of late.

Where to begin, I got either strep throat or tonsillitis, went to a doctor in the big city on Saturday, refused to take a test because "it's common" and prescribed me more antibiotics. I'm feeling better from that, but I still have this cough and itch deep in my lungs, and a constant sore throat. I am tired of self-diagnosis and I want some piece of mind. My other theory is that my air conditioner is killing me slowly.

I also found a bug bite on my back that's painful, and not healing, hopefully that wont get worse either. There are alot of stressful things ahappenin' right now, it's been this way for awhile, I guess I just want a safety net or some comfort/security.

Between the lack of health care, getting stopped by the border patrol, and the declining dollar, I've had a real headache of late.

I'm still trying to figure out what to do over Christmas, and maybe I should get more money out, because I do NOT have enough to buy a ticket by any means. Also I get a 4 day weekend in November, of for which I have to save as well. Love the 4 day weekend option, hate the money I'm going to have to spend.

Please send me e-mails if you're bored, I love them.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009


My long weekend.

Quite alot happened this weekend, 4 days off, left Friday night, and spent less than $400.

We began with a rainy Friday day, Marshall and I left to the terminal to find a "Por Puesto," a shared taxi that everyone piles in, to Puerto Ordaz. On the way we had some trouble, because the road was flooded. We figured since the city was on the Orinoco river, that we could just find a hotel and get a tour in the morning.

That night we wandered to look for food, here is a perfect example of the service in Venezuela.

We tried to find something to do after, so we flagged down a cab and went to this little bar/restaurant place outside. Of course they were playing music that was too loud, but some of the songs were American pop songs from the 90s! Much better than reggae-tone. We met a couple of girls right as we were leaving, ones who seemed half intelligent anyways, exchanged numbers and we were on our way back to the hotel.

Woke up in the morning too tired, our plan was to find a tour on the Orinoco, and get a hotel for the night. What we didn't take into consideration that there was a soccer game between Venezuela and Paraguay that day, and literally EVERY hotel in the entire city was full. Roads were closed to the other places we wanted to go, so in the end we just decided to go to a new city. We decided on Ciudad Bolivar. We went to the terminal, hopped on some makeshift seats on the front of the bus, the drivers pocketed the extra money, and we were on our way.

We made it to the city while there was still some light, and found a tour right off the bus. It was 900Bs for 3 days, and we would be getting back Tuesday, right before we worked, but we decided on it anyways. Got a nice hotel for the night, and we were on our way the following morning.

We set out and waited to pick up some Russians who were also coming on the tour. It was a couple, and the man had an awful stench. I believe he is what the natives of the south probably mistook for the "skunk-ape."

Everything seemed to be going well until we reached the checkpoint right outside of Tucupita. The police saw that there were tourists in the car(I blame it on the white Russians) and pulled us aside. Since Marshall and I didn't have our official passports, they started babbling at us and pulled us in to a little office. It was a great scheme they had, the biggest joke of it all was when they were quoting Venezuelan law. After wasting an hour, and endless "I need to call my superior's" they just wanted a bribe. Typical, imagine if the police here weren't corrupt!

We reached our destination and hopped on a boat. Accompanying us were 4 more Polish travelers, all of whom spoke good English. Anna, Rafael, Camila, and I forgot the other's name. After traveling down the river for about an hour, we stopped at this little shack to look at some tarantulas. I got the biggest kick out of the direct tv satellite.

Aways down the river, our guide talked about eating worms. He must have felt I was kidding when he threatened me to try it raw. I never back down from an eating challenge, so I met his match. It tasted about as good as a raw oyster heated in a soup of sticky goo.

We made camp later in the day, not before I spotted some more Chavez love.

Marshall stepped to the home plate by eating a fried gusano, and swimming in the Orinoco with the pirahnas, good job my friend.

Needfully to say, the rest of the trip was a complete fail. They promised to do this and that, and nothing happened. Pirahna fishing was a fail, and the only reason I wanted to go, we never made it to the Orinoco river delta, nobody saw the caymans they promised, the locals drank all our booze, and we got back the day before school late at night.

Do I regret it? Not for a minute, but it doesn't compare to the trip I had in the Amazon. I got to see more of Venezuela this weekend than I had the entire time I'd been here, met some great people(now may be looking into teaching in Poland next year), and may have a new connection in Puerto La Cruz(if she ever texts me back)!

Oh yeah, right before the weekend, el jefe called us in and told us we don't have funding for next year. Cheers for looking for a new job! Hopefully I can make the best of this one, and find something else in Venezuela for the following year. If not, maybe somewhere else in South America. Wish me luck in finding a job, and working with people who aren't a bunch of weirdos.



Tuesday, October 6, 2009


My water line exploded in my bathroom and covered me in toilet water Sunday night. I should've taken pictures to show the entirety of the pure destruction that filthy water left upon me.

I have been sick for about two weeks, and I'm not sure what is going on. Apparently some lady got a lung infection last year, and my self-medicating paranoia is telling me I'm getting the same thing. Since I can't see an actual doctor here, I just have to wait until it gets worse. And it has gotten worse since it started two weeks ago. This is exactly what I can use right now. We had a talk this weekend about the horrors of our own self medication, every week it's some new worry, and no way to get to the bottom of it...well, waiting it out.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


I just got back from Puerto La Cruz a couple of hours ago. The power in my house seems to be grounded, but the internet still doesn't work there. I've been having a hard time finding free time lately to do this.

In school there will be observations this week, so wish me luck anyone who is reading this. I had a great weekend, and I feel like my Spanish is getting slightly better. I guess studying nonstop has helped a little.

We met some Chinese immigrants who run a shop at the end of Paseo Colon, one spoke English and they were very friendly. There is also a little place that makes food there, and having legitimate Chinese food was quite stupendous. If I make it back to Puert soon, I will be going back for my Chinese fix.

I only was able to put away $300 in the bank this month, and it still doesn't look like I have enough money to buy a ticket this Christmas. I will know exactly what I'm doing by the beginning of next week, where I'm going down on a river trip with Marshall on the Orinoco.

I've been spending way too much money, but the only way to keep my sanity is leave on the weekends, I gotta figure out a new plan.

Much love to all, I am so happy I'm able to do this, even with all the avoidable drama and frustrations.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


There is going to be a big discussion on Monday with the director, that is all I can say for now about it. I could type up pages of frustrations and concerns, but for now I think it's in THE best interest of everyone to wait and see how things unfold.

This week has been a definite challenge for me, and I'm physically and mentally exausted. Also, with the parallel exchange rate recently going down, I'm going to have to rebudget my month.

Arqui got accepted into college in Florida, so he'll be leaving for Spring semester this January for sure. We are going to celebrate this weekend, and I am getting the hell out of Anaco, I need to get out and clear my mind.

On the plus side, I'm getting the first massage of my life today, the lady is coming to my house, and it's only going to be 20Bs, which is about 4 dollars. Since I cannot cook yet, I've been really trying to work with what I have, and here is a masterpiece until this day unbeknownst to the world!

Just wait until you see what I made in memory of Elvis Presley...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I am really frustrated right now, all I can say is I got in an argument with the director last night. More details on the way.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Since I did not go to the city this weekend, I went out to a place called Canaima with Arqui and his girlfriend Juli, and two of Julie's friend, one named Julbrasca, and the other Mary. A couple of their other friends showed up later, and we all shared a bottle of horrible vodka. Remind me never to drink vodka again, it makes me sicker than Adam Dyet's kickflips.


After the bar, where I tried communicating with my lack of vocabulary in a overly-loud environment, we went to Julie's housing complex and sat outside, there are a couple pictures, so you can just look and see.

It was good to be out, and not have to worry about not being able to go home at the end of the night. I enjoy my free time of doing nothing in the mornings, cleaning, taking Spanish lessons, and sitting out in the sun. I don't know why nobody has told earlier, how relaxing it is to just sit outside in the sun with a nice breeze. I think I should have switched majors in college, and tried it for a career. Maybe it's a sign I'm getting old?

One last thing, nothing quite like getting home late at night and finding a spy infiltrating your foodstuffs. And I thought things with the iguanas were finally calming down...

Friday, September 18, 2009


I can't believe it's already the 18th. Got some bad news, the parallel exchange rate went down from 6.4 last month to about 5.2 this month, meaning I'm going to be spending much more money. The problem with this is, that the prices are going to stay the same, making everything more difficult for everyone. I can't imagine how anyone could live here off the minimum wage salary of 800Bs a month.

I hope this guy isn't venomous, this is the second one I found in my house yesterday.

We met with the other school nearby called El Tigre. By nearby I mean an hour and a half, and it's an "American" school. Here is our combined faculty.

I'm sick and because of so, decided not to go out for the weekend. I still may go out tonight and hang out with Arqui, but nothing too serious. Last night, Marshall, Jason, and I, went to a place called Bungaloo and danced to the horrible Reggaetone, it was good to get out. It's been a long week.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I had to stay home sick yesterday, I've been feeling a cold for weeks. Luckily I was able to get the staff to cover and finagle their breaks to coincide when I needed coverage.

There were only 6 power outages yesterday, a nice hot humid room really helps a poor boy sleep.

Tonight we have an open house and in the morning I have a presentation to parents, perfect timing to get sick!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


I need to be consistent with my dates. It's crazy to think that school has been in session for an entire month. Things have been going very smoothly thus far, time has been flying by.

Today my oven stopped working, and I found there is a leak in my ceiling. Just some other wonders of Venezuelan fail that will never get fixed.

I feel like I'm getting sick, wish me luck!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


"I always tell people I learned Spanish in the streets and the sheets..."

-Guy Gray

I e-mailed a friend of mine who is currently residing in St. Louis, liked the quote, he gave me some good advice as well. Debating whether or not to go to Puerto La Cruz this weekend, or take it easy. Supposed to be planning right now, but Imma be up late, FB chattin' u no how I do.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


OH MY GAWD, I JUST STUMBLED ACROSS THIS. This is from the Rosamond days, nostalgia soared in like a bald eagle leaving Mexico for Texas.

I am slightly amused by the date.

I am almost finished reading Beneath the Wheel, and I stumbled upon a paragraph that I really found interesting.

"In this way he discovered---perhaps too soon---his share of the secret of love, and it contained little sweetness and much bitterness: days filled with fruitless lamentation, poignant memories, inconsolable brooding; nights during which a pounding heart and tightness around the chest would not let him sleep..."

Seems, or seemed, relevant for a period of time.

Below is real live footage of the vicious beasts of which I live in fear. This happened yesterday, although a disclaimer, it is not for the weak.

Monday night we stayed out a little too late BBQin over here at Escuela Anaco. Jason, Marshall, and I were out till about 3. Arqui left around 1ish.

These are leafcutter ants, they had a trail of carrying leaves about 60 feet long, that literally looked like a highway.

This is my 2nd ally against the criminal iguana gangs. Ground owls see all.

Marshall Mcgrillin'

Jason and Dylan working hard

Here are a couple of links of my final day skating in the US. Me and Matt.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

6/9/2009 Puerto, Lecheria, Paella

Some skateboarding for ya'll

Man, it's been an epic weekend.

First, I found an alliance in my plight against the iguanas. Another pic. He's young, but in time he'll be a powerful friend.

I think I'm getting creative, but in reality, I just throw rice and cheese at my problems.

Friday, I ran up to the major school in Puerto La Cruz called CIPLEC(?) to observe how things work there. I was amazed at the resources they had there. A full time ESL teacher, 1st and 2nd grade teachers, parent volunteers, full time music and art teachers, and not to mention tons of funds. I was really impressed by the facilities, and although they don't have yards, they are provided housing, and make more than us Anacoans. Not to mention they live in Puerto La Cruz, which I came to find out is a really amazing and diverse place.

I ate a seafood mix hoping not to get food poisoning for lunch. I had seafood for nearly every meal this weekend, and somehow missed out on the food poisoning train, I got lucky to say the least.

Immediately after school, we headed out to Puerto La Cruz for the weekend. We being Marshall, Jason, Dylan(Jason's son), and Tanya, a girl paid to watch Dylan for Jason. We all split up at different hotels, me choosing one that cost about 15 dollars a night. You get what you pay for. The toilet was leaking, there was no hot water, and I could hear every noise creaking throughout the lobby. Including the employees partying.

In the morning we headed out on a crowded boat to go out to an island(of I forgot the name). Jason and Marshall getting ready. Here Marshall and I are getting serious.

When we arrived at the island, it was pretty much desolate. Only about a 20 minute boat ride from the lush Venezuelan border, it reminded me of the Mojave desert thrown into the middle of the ocean. With as much as it rains, it really was surprising.

In the morning, I ran into this jerk. Have no idea what kind of bird he was, but an interesting character to say the least.

I feel I have to take a picture of every fried fish I eat.

Marshall and I decided to hike up the mountain, and look down upon the Venezuelan people. We ran into some beautiful cacti on the way.

Some models with some facebook advertising showed up on the beach. You gotta love it. Maybe not as much as this fat guy.

Went back home, ate at Hai Gang City again. Tried to take a nap, but my leaking toilet and noisy hotel employees didn't really allow that. Since there was a celebration of some "virgin" going on in the city, I grabbed my skateboard and skated down to see what the fuss was about. I met a couple of mongo pushing skateboarders, who I tried to talk to. I found out there are two skate shops in the area(not mine), so I'm going to have to check those out and see what they have to offer. I was told there are some spots around, and the police don't care. Maybe once I can pick up enough Spanish I'll go around one of these weekends.

Then I met up with Marshall and Jason, Marshall got sun stroke and wasn't able to go out. We took his advice and headed out to Lecheria to a club called Bambuddha, or something of that nature. At first it was pretty empty so we took off to a concert a few blocks down the road. It was just overly loud Reggaeton, which has now equaled the iguanas as far as my pure and utter hatred goes. It is my arch-nemesis. One thing I really do miss about the United States is the music, I can't stand it here. Hopefully I'll find some people who enjoy some music with meaning.

We decided to go back to Bambuddha, and it filled up fast. Apparently you have to a specific type of person so get in, so all we had to do is speak English and they zipped us right on in. Being from the US can have its perks. In that club, there literally was the highest amount of attractive women I've ever seen in a place ever. It blew my mind, Lecheria was a completely different place than I ever expected. I didn't know places like this existed here. Tall rising apartment complexes, nice buildings, and lots and lots of attractive women. Vanity seemed to be really high in this club, as with any other of its kind I suppose. Not exactly what I'm into, regardless, I'm going to make it back there pretty soon.

By the time I got back to my hotel, I was exhausted, and luckily for me I didn't get any sleep this night either. I went out and skated in the morning, met up with everyone, and ate some Paella in dedication of a certain special Ashely.

This weekend was really eye opening to me, and really made me envious of those who can work up in Puerto La Cruz, or any other major city for that matter.

The fail of Venezuela finally got to me today, when I realized that my computer was running with it's electric current because my power isn't grounded in my house. That means I can't get on my computer at home, I brought it to my classroom, but I can't just come up here for personal reasons all the time. Plus, I was practicing Spanish nightly on my computer. I can't see this getting fixed, so I'm not sure what I can do about it.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Had plans to go to Puerto La Cruz for the weekend, but realized it's the world anti-Chavez protests tomorrow. Probably not too safe to go out.

My computer is literally shocking my as I typed, it continues to pulsate with electricity, and really really really hurts. I'm not sure if it's the outlets or what.

I skated for a bit, and played some ball with Arqui tonight. I'm happy that he's into it. I'll upload some video later if my computer decides not to explode on me. He beat me in a 1 on 1 match, but I gotta come back for the U.S.A and prove who the best in the world is.


It's Thursday morning, and I'm half ready for the day. I've decided to compile a list of things that I want that I can't(or is difficult) get here. I know there is much more, and I'll continue adding to the list.

-Peanut Butter

-Skate shoes

-Dress shoes


-A skateboard

-A pan to cook brownies

After dealing with the iguanas for quite some time, I've decided to really make a stand for myself. They sent an army of ants to invade my house, and quite frankly, I just can't take it anymore. I think I'm going to try a Yojimbo on them. Or Fistfull of Dollars, whatever you'd like to call it. I just didn't want to hear some elite bastard tell me that Fistfull of Dollars is a remake, showing my movie cred right now.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Last night two more people got kidnapped in Anaco. Not anyone affiliated with the school thankfully.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Sunday funday. Trying to clean today, it's been a big fail. I am trying constantly to learn Spanish, but I don't feel much more comfortable than when I got here. I'm honestly trying constantly but living and working in an English speaking community doesn't help.

The other night I hung out in one of the housing complexes that Julie lives in. The whole neighborhood was drinking, including this bad ass.

After trying to talk with the kids in mixed languages, I got a real good feel for how life is here for them. All of them aspire to go to the U.S.A, and told me all the places they've been (which usually is Florida). I kept hearing, "I want to go to Hollywood" and, "I want to go to Las Vegas." It makes me sad, it's great for me to live here because I'm making $$$ and live in a safe place. For them there is no out. One of the kids, who apparently is a great kickboxer who looks older than I am, told me how one time he just wanted to walk a few blocks out of the complex, but couldn't because someone warned him about the robbers hiding in the trees. I guess if I were to rob someone, I'd like to have a cool hiding place too.

Luv you all, I'm living my dream.


Saturday, August 29, 2009


It's Saturday and the end of week #2. The week started off really strong, it flew by. One day I got bit by 3 ants, stung by a bee, the workers caught a rattlesnake on campus, and 5 new mosquito bites appeared on my arms and legs. It was rawsome.

Got a haircut. Before, middle, and after.

As of Friday I got real frustrated with someone. That's all I'm going to say for now, behaviors slowly telling the story I've been told 1000x. Not to spread gossip, but there is also an insurance issue, and we may lose a teacher here because of it. I would be really disappointed if that happened. It's Julie's birthday party today, so Imma go eat sum meats.

BTW District 9 owned my life. I just wish I could've seen it in theaters.

Enemy Skink

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

8/25 and I'm still alive

It's almost hump day here, meaning I'm nearly halfway through this week. I took my first Spanish lesson yesterday, although I don't know anything, the teacher continually repeated that I didn't have an accent, and was impressed. I'm proud of myself, but I imagine as I begin to speak more words, it'll come out more and more. What I realized isn't good, is that the school is only going to pay for 5 weeks worth of lessons at 2 times a week. I can't imagine I'm going to get very far with that. We'll see soon enough, maybe I can front the money if I feel I'm learning enough.

I worked out for the first time of my life today at the nearby gym. I went with Jason, and Arqui met up there. I have never been so sore in my life. Not only will I return to the states speaking Spanish, but I'll be so buff I won't even be able to look left or right. Two perfect goals. I'm going to have a horrible day tomorrow.

The power was out for almost 5 hours today, which makes things unlivable. The houses are too hot, and you can't open any doors or windows because of the bugs. I found Marshall climbing on the roof, rerouting his ethernet cable to the new router the internet ladies put under the nearest pavillion. I decided to do the same, just in case. To say the least, I'm on the internet at my house finally! I got to see Rambo for a good minute, I miss that mutt. I expect it will be in and out of service, but the fact that it is working makes me incredibly happy, and gives me an infinite amount more of resources.

I thought everything was fine when the power was on, and it may yet again shut off, until I ran into a damned SPY!!!

Right behind my washer, the nerve! Those iguanas aren't letting me live my life, so it's time to retaliate, I just need to choose the best course of action.