Friday, November 13, 2009


Well, I booked my tickets over Christmas break. I'm going to Quito. I was feeling slightly better with my sickness, but now I'm feeling slightly worse again. I'm tired of this, over Christmas I'm just going to take an entire week to sleep and relax.

Today is Arqui's last day at school, I'm going to miss him. He's getting ready for college in the states.

I'm tired of Venezuelan failure, I bought my tickets to Quito, and they spelled my name wrong. On top of that, they couldn't change my name either. I paid twice the cost Jason did who got his tickets one month earlier, but on the plus side, I'm flying business class for the first time in my life! I looked for flights to LA to rest, see a doctor, see my family, and maybe even go home to Salt Lake, but all were booked.

Speaking of failure, Marshall linked to me this article.

Apparently Venezuela has been the same since 1998. Well, since the Spaniards came and raped the country I guess. I'm glad someone else can see our same perspective, the third sentence down is the one really worth reading. It really cracked me up, so much failure in one place, the day it proves me wrong will be a very interesting day for me.

Going to the beach for the weekend for some R&R. Still might be able to fly to ATL for the AASSA conference which will give me a huge leg up on a job for next year.

I still have some unfinished business in the states, and need to make some phone calls. I've been in a sappy mood of late.

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