Wednesday, October 28, 2009


So yeah, I should probably talk about my hospital visit.

Monday night, I felt a pain in my stomach around 6:00 pm. I've had stomach pains before, so I figured I might as well put up with it. By 9:00 it had progressed to a consistent pain unlike any I've ever experienced. I threw up, no matter what position I was in, it wouldn't go away. It felt like something was burning through my digestive system.

Come 2 A.M. I literally couldn't take it anymore. I had never been in that much pain in my entire life. I hobbled out to where the guards were, and tried to get them to call a taxi. Everything was closed, they called an ambulance, but it never showed. Luckily Jason woke up, and had a number to a different taxi service. They picked me up about 30 minutes later, and Jason was nice enough to come with me to translate.

We got to the hospital emergency room, of course it was locked. We rang the bell for about 5 minutes before someone decided to hobble over slowly to open it. Instead of doing any tests or anything important, they decided to give me a shot in my behind, and put my on an IV. The place was freezing, and it the people working were some of the most incompetent I've ever seen. Something they put in the IV helped me with the pain, and they sent me off. That's it, no help, no nothing. I am glad it is gone now though, because had it been life threatening, I would not be alive.

Jason got some pictures with his blackberry, so if he sends them to me I will have to post them up. I really appreciate the fact that he would come up on a school night at 2 a.m. to go with me to the hospital. And the next day he made me soup and picked me up some groceries, don't know what I would have done without him.

Anyways, I still have this throat problem, and I know it will never be fixed here, so...I guess I'm just screwed.

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