Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I just finished report cards, and I'm currently on my lunch break. I feel that I need to continually update this as I've been slacking of late.

Where to begin, I got either strep throat or tonsillitis, went to a doctor in the big city on Saturday, refused to take a test because "it's common" and prescribed me more antibiotics. I'm feeling better from that, but I still have this cough and itch deep in my lungs, and a constant sore throat. I am tired of self-diagnosis and I want some piece of mind. My other theory is that my air conditioner is killing me slowly.

I also found a bug bite on my back that's painful, and not healing, hopefully that wont get worse either. There are alot of stressful things ahappenin' right now, it's been this way for awhile, I guess I just want a safety net or some comfort/security.

Between the lack of health care, getting stopped by the border patrol, and the declining dollar, I've had a real headache of late.

I'm still trying to figure out what to do over Christmas, and maybe I should get more money out, because I do NOT have enough to buy a ticket by any means. Also I get a 4 day weekend in November, of for which I have to save as well. Love the 4 day weekend option, hate the money I'm going to have to spend.

Please send me e-mails if you're bored, I love them.


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