Friday, September 18, 2009


I can't believe it's already the 18th. Got some bad news, the parallel exchange rate went down from 6.4 last month to about 5.2 this month, meaning I'm going to be spending much more money. The problem with this is, that the prices are going to stay the same, making everything more difficult for everyone. I can't imagine how anyone could live here off the minimum wage salary of 800Bs a month.

I hope this guy isn't venomous, this is the second one I found in my house yesterday.

We met with the other school nearby called El Tigre. By nearby I mean an hour and a half, and it's an "American" school. Here is our combined faculty.

I'm sick and because of so, decided not to go out for the weekend. I still may go out tonight and hang out with Arqui, but nothing too serious. Last night, Marshall, Jason, and I, went to a place called Bungaloo and danced to the horrible Reggaetone, it was good to get out. It's been a long week.

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